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Another day, another book report project…

The last time my Little Bit2 had a project due, I was so excited for her :D.  I mean, it’s almost like a right of passage to have an actual project to do for school :).  Well, this go round I was just as excited! I don’t know what it is but I just always loved doing projects for school growing up and I guess I just love seeing the creativity my kids come up with while they’re doing their projects for school now.

This project was another book report-type thing.  There are several different types of ideas the students can choose from (I’m sure that’s to keep them in line but also give them room to be creative) and this time, LB2 chose to make a board game that went along with the book she read.

She had a clear idea in her head before she even began and, even though she listened to my ideas and helpful hints (and used one or two of them), I’m VERY proud to tell you that she didn’t stray from her original idea and did exactly what she’d planned :).  Oh, I am SO a proud Mama :D.

Here are the board game guidelines:

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After reading through them to make sure all the bases are covered, the supplies came out and she got started.

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She’s very artistic, so this was right up her alley!

We had a bit of trouble figuring out the spinner because I could NOT find those darn brads anywhere (well, not until AFTER we solved the problem anyway — isn’t that just the way it always is??).

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She also made her own playing pieces instead of using something found around the house.  Like I said, artistic.

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Once it was all put together and the finished touches were added, it was time to practice her presentation.

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Here’s the final product.  I don’t know about any of you but I really wanted to go with her to school that day and watch her give her presentation!  I didn’t… but I really wanted to :).

…Til Next Time!

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Another Aquarium…

It’s not a secret that I love a good deal!  It’s also not a secret that I love a good deal and a good time with the family all rolled into one!

When I found out about the free admission to


 I was stoked! I quickly began making the plans for our outing.  First of all, I’ll let you all know that apparently the Pine Knoll Shores & Fort Fisher aquariums both offer two free admission days a year where anyone and everyone are welcomed to hang out for FREE!  I know, right!? On Martin Luther King Jr Day and Veterans Day admission is free for all!

This year on MLK the Pine Knoll Shores Aquarium also hosted a food drive for a local pantry where you could bring in any food item donations for a good cause.

So, of course, we got ourselves ready and headed out to enjoy a fun family day at the aquarium!

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Look! A fish!

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The otter exhibit was a favorite!

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They sure do like to play!

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The Nature Trail was fun too

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What fun would it be if we didn’t take all the photo ops?

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Time to pet the stingrays

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And then see some sea turtles

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Awww, they’re so cute!

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Whew!  What a great and tiring day! Now time to find something to eat.  Word to the wise, the only concessions stand at this aquarium is closed during the off-season.
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And almost every restaurant nearby is also closed during the cold months as well.  Sigh.

We DID find someplace to eat and it was yummy, but we were eating and not taking pictures :).

It was a great day and we all had a lot of fun.  If you are ever in the area, you should totally check out this aquarium.  The next thing I REALLY wanna check out is the sea turtles hatching from their nests.  I KNOW it happens in our area because I’ve seen the nests but I would super love to see it happening!  I just think those little turtles are so cute.

…til next time

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It’s Potty-Training Time…

So, my littlest bit just turned 3 — hence the Princess Party in an earlier post ;).

Since my little Princess is such a big girl, I thought it was high time we give this whole potty-training thing a try… again… for the third time.  Third time’s the charm, right?

Because we were starting on this train again, I decided to make a sewing project that’s been on my favorite’s list (and pinned on one of my pinterest boards) for a while just waiting until my girl was finally ready for them.

I got out my sewing machine (whew!  it’s been a while since I got that out), my rotary cutter and got started.

First of all, the website with the tutorial is here:


This was one EASY-PEASY tutorial so thank you itsourlongstory.blogspot.com!

Then I dove head first into my project!

I decided to listen to the tutorial 😀 (I normally have a difficult time with that, I know), and use some toddler training panties that were already made instead of making my own.  Then I went step-by-step and followed all the directions just as they were written :).  I was pretty proud of myself LOL.

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I made my pattern piece

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cut it out

and started sewing

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My Princess’s Princess Panties!

Since I really didn’t want to keep buying pull-ups (mostly because she just uses them like diapers), but these panties just weren’t keeping the “spills” from going everywhere, this tutorial was PERFECT!!  Now they’re Princess Panties (and we DO NOT wanna pee or poo on a Princess — oh no!) and they’re also more absorbent, as well as oh so cute on my Sweet Princess :).

Now we just have to get this thing done!  This Mama is SO ready to stop buying diapers! 😀

Til Next Time…

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Museum/Planetarium Field Trip…

I love being a Stay-at-home Mom.  I am so blessed to be able to stay home with my Littlest Bit and spend our days together before she goes off to school.  I’m also so happy that I get to go on field trips and classroom parties for my Middle Bit — especially since she still wants me to!

Last week, my third grader and her class went on a field trip to Neuseway Park in Kinston, N.C. and I got to go too!  It was so much fun.

First stop: the Planetarium

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It was SO cool

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We got to see all sorts of constellations as well as the moon, the sun rise and planets that are visible at night during this time of year.  Like I said, SO cool :D.

Next stop: Science Museum

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Super Fun!

Next Stop: Visiting with the Raptors

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Next: We went down into the cave

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Next Stop: Lunch and playtime on the playground

2013-01-11 12.13.09 2013-01-11 12.34.02 2013-01-11 12.26.37 2013-01-11 12.25.59 2013-01-11 12.25.39and back on the bus to head home.  It was a super fun field trip.  I had a lot of fun and I’m pretty sure I learned a thing or two ;).

Til Next Time…

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A Party Fit for a Princess…

Happy New Year!  I hope everyone reading this blog had a great time ringing in 2013.  I nearly made it to the countdown but I fell asleep not even an hour before the ball dropping!  It seems that this is my fate every New Year’s Eve :).  Oh well, better to be well-rested, I suppose.

Anyway, with the coming of a new year, another awesome celebration follows — that is the celebration of my Littlest Bit’s birth.  This year, her third year, is to be a Princess Party since my own little one is a very sweet little Princess herself and loves all things Princess.

So, the invitations were printed

and sent;

A Princess cake and cupcakes were ordered;

A castle was made;

And the day of the party arrived…


We donned our crowns


And our Princess attire


Set our table


With lots of yummy treats

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And as the first Princesses arrived, we got this party started!!

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Let’s open presents!

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And eat cake!

DSCN0943 DSCN0945It was a terrific Day! And my Princess had a Perfectly Princess-y Party!

Here are the details:

As each Princess arrived, wearing their beautiful Princess gowns of course, they went straight to decorating their very own magic wand with foam stickers.  We had extra dresses out for anyone who needed to borrow one as well as Princess heels set out for any Princess who needs shoes.


Then it was time to decorate a picture frame which would hold a picture of themselves in front of our Perfectly Pink Princess Castle.



THAT was so fun :D!

When everyone completed their wand and picture frame as well as their photo op, it was time to play with the Princess dress-up dolls and the tea set.

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 After playtime was over (HA, is playtime really ever over? Umm, no!), we had refreshments.  There were magic wands, Princess Pillows, candy sticks, Glass slipper cookies, red rubies, and so many other goodies to delicately dine on.


Next it was present-opening time! Oh, my Little Bit had a super good time opening her gifts! But what Princess wouldn’t?


Then we sang a little birthday song and had some delicious cupcakes.


When the party was all done, everyone went home with their goody bags (which consisted of a couple bracelets, some princess stickers, a Cinderella lip gloss cell phone, some princess stick-on nails, a small tub of play-doh, a cup of cookie sticks with chocolate and strawberry icing and a thank you note) as well as a small tea set for each Princess.


It was such a great day!  I’m so happy that my LB3 had a good party and a lot of fun with her friends and family!

Happy Birthday, Princess


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